The Promised Protagonist
December 3, 2023
Strange Bedfellows
January 23, 2022
Join us for worship, prayer, and the third message in our series “Surviving the Storm” from 1 Peter 1:6-9 with Dr. Bob Mitchell.
Shepherd’s Joy
December 19, 2021
Celebrate Advent season with a new message from Luke 2:8-20.
The ‘All Things’ I Can Do Through Christ
September 6, 2020
Join us for a time of worship, prayer, communion, and study of God’s Word with Pastor Bob Mitchell and the final message in the series “Resilient Joy.”
O What Peace We Often Forfeit
August 29, 2020
Join us for worship, prayer, and a new message from the series “Resilient Joy” from Philippians 4:6-9.
Healthy Joy
August 23, 2020
Join us for a time of worship, prayer, and studying God’s Word with Pastor Bob Mitchell with the 11th message in the series “Resilient Joy.”
Show Me Your Passport
August 8, 2020
Join us for worship, prayer, a missions update, and studying God’s Word with Pastor Bob Mitchell with the 10th message in the series “Resilient Joy.”
The Reach Toward Destiny
August 2, 2020
Join us for worship, prayer, communion, and study in God’s Word with the 9th message in the series “Resilient Joy” in the book of Philippians.
Get Real!
July 25, 2020
A time of worship, prayer, and study of God’s Word with a message from Pastor Bob Mitchell from the series “Resilient Joy” from Philippians.
The Joy of Others
July 19, 2020
Join us for a time of worship, prayer, and gathering together to hear from God’s Word with a message from Pastor Bob Mitchell from the series “Resilient Joy.”